Monday 30 January 2023

 ANU UG 1st Sem B.Com Business Organization & Management(BOM) Important Questions


 ANU UG 1st Sem B.Com Business Organization & Management(BOM) Important Questions are now available, These questions are prepared by top experienced faculty. These questions are prepared for external exams. By preparing these questions you can get good marks in your exam.

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Unit-I –Introduction Concepts of Business, Trade, Industry and Commerce: Business – Meaning, Definition, Features and Functions of Business - Trade Classification – Aids to Trade – Industry Classification and Commerce - Factors Influencing the Choice of Suitable form of Organisation 

Important Questions

5 Marks Questions

  1. Write a brief note on industry
  2. Write any five features of business
  3. What is Trade classification?
  4. Trade, industry and commerce.
  5. Explain primary industries.
  6. Define economics and non-economics activities.

10 Marks Questions 

  1. Explain various aid to trade.
  2. Explain the functions of business.
  3. Explain factors influence the choice of suitable form of organization. 
  4. Define trade and explain its classification?
  5. Explain the influencing factors of the choice of suitable from of business organization. 
  6. Define industry? What are the different types of industries?
  7.  Define business? Discuss various objectives of business. Also state its features.
  8. Describe the relation between business, trade and commerce.
  9. Define commerce? Sate various functions of commerce.
  10. Define commerce?What are the principles components of commerce and industry.

Unit –II– Forms of Business Organizations: Features,Merits and Demerits of Sole Proprietor Ship and Partnership Business - Features Merits and Demits of Joint Stock Companies - Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) - Multinational Corporations (MNCs)- Differences between Private Limited Public Limited Company

Important Questions

5 Marks Questions 

  1. Write any five limitations of sole proprietorship.
  2. Write any five demerits of joint stock company.
  3. Write any five merits of  partnership business.
  4. Write the features of sole proprietorship business.
  5. Multinational corporations.
  6. Partnership business.
  7. Partnership Deed and its contents.
  8. Describe any two types of public undertakings.
  9. Write the disadvantages of join Hindu Family business. 
  10. Active partner and partner by Estopell.

10 Marks Questions

  1. Explain the advantages and limitations of partnership business 
  2. Explain the role of MNC's in the development of business.
  3. Write any five differences between public limited and private limited company.
  4. Explain the merits and demerits of joint stock company.
  5. Define sole proprietorship and explain the merits and demerits of sole proprietorship.
  6. Discuss the differences between public Ltd. and Private Ltd. Company?
  7. What is a joint stock company? Explain its features.
  8. What is a partnership Deed? Why it is necessary. Give the main contents of partnership deed.
  9. Distinguish between Joint stock company and partnership firm.
  10. What do you mean by a multinational company?
Unit-III -Company Incorporation: Preparation of Important Documents for Incorporation of Company - Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business - Contents of Memorandum and Articles of Association - Contents of Prospectus

Important Questions

5 Marks Questions 

  1. Write any five uses of Prospectus.
  2. What are the contents of prospects?
  3. Write about certificate of incorporation.
  4.  Write about memorandum of  Association.
  5. What is meant by statement in lieu of prospectus.

10 Marks Questions

  1. Explain the contents of memorandum of association.
  2. Explain the role of articles of association in business.
  3. Explain the important documents for incorporation of company.
  4. What is articles of association and also explain its contents?
  5. What is meant by memorandum of  association? Describe various clauses of memorandum of  association.
  6. Discuss various steps for incorporation stages of a company.
  7. Distinguish between memorandum of  association and articles of association.
  8. Explain the role of a promoter in establishing a joint stock company.
  9. What is meant by incorporation and commencement of business.

Unit-IV- Management: Meaning Characteristics - Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management - Administration Vs Management - Levels of Management

Important Questions

5 Marks Questions 

  1. What do you mean by management.
  2. Scope of Management.

10 Marks Question

  1. Explain the differences between administration Vs Management.
  2. Explain the concept of levels of management in details.
  3. Explain the Fayol's 14 principles of management.
  4. Explain the important documents for incorporation of company?
  5. What do you mean by Management? Describe the main characteristics of management.

Unit-V-Functions of Management: Different Functions of Management - Meaning – Definition – Characteristics Merits and Demits of Planning

Important Questions

5 Marks Questions 

  1. What is planning?
  2. What is Trade classification? 
  3. What are the functions of management? 
  4. Merits of planning.
  5. What are the characteristics of a good plan?

10 Marks Question

  1. Explain the process of planning?
  2. Explain the problems associated in planning.
  3. Explain the characteristics of planning?
  4. Write the advantages of planning? 
  5. Define management and explain its functions?
  6. Describe the functions of line and staff organization?
  7. Explain the principles of organization.
  8. Why planning is essential in a business? How can it be made effective?
  9. What is line organization? State its advantages and disadvantages.


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