Monday 30 January 2023

 ANU B.Com 1st Sem Business Environment Important Questions


 ANU B.Com 1st Sem Business Environment Important Questions Important Questions are now available, These questions are prepared by top experienced faculty. These questions are prepared for external exams. By preparing these questions you can get good marks in your exam.

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Unit–I:Overview of Business Environment: Business Environment – Meaning –Characteristics – Scope -Macro and Micro Dimensions of Business Environment - Environmental Analysis

Important Question

5 Marks Questions

  1. Write the scope of business Environment.
  2. What is business environment. 
  3. Write a brief note on Environment Analysis.

10 Marks Questions

  1. Explain the macro dimensions of Business Environment.
  2. Explain the characteristics of Business Environment.
  3. Explain the scope of business environment.
  4. Explain the micro dimensions of business environment.
  5. Define business environment and explain its characteristics?
  6. Explain the macro and micro dimensions of business environment.
  7. Explain micro environment and its components.
  8. What is business environment analysis? Explain internal environment analysis.

Unit – II:Economic Environment: Economic Environment – Nature of the Economy – Structure of Economy – Economic Policies & Planning the Economic Condition – NITI Ayog – National Development Council – Five Year Plans

Important Question

5 Marks Questions

  1. Explain the nature of economy in brief.
  2. Write a brief note on NITI Ayog.
  3. Economic Environment.
  4. Types of plans.

10 Marks Questions

  1. Explain the structure of Economy.
  2. Write an essay on National Development Council.
  3. Explain the importance and objectives of  Five Year Plans.
  4. Write an essay on NITI Ayog.
  5. Explain the nature and scope of economics environment.
  6. Explain the economic policies and economic conditions of economic planning.
  7. What are the objectives and achievements of 12th five year plan?
  8. What is economic environment? How the economic environment factors influence the business.

Unit–III: Economic Policies: Economic Reforms and New Economic Policy – New Industrial Policy – Competition Law – Fiscal Policy – Objectives and Limitations – Monetary Policy and RBI

Important Question

5 Marks Questions







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