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ANU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Important Questions

Here are ANU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Important Questions for all 5 units and model question papers for 4th semester exams.

UNIT-I ( Introduction and Linked List)
  1. Explain about different primitive and non-primitive data structures with examples.[ANU-19]
  2. Explain different linear and non-linear data structures.[ANU-18]
  3. What are spare matrices? Explain them.
  4. What is Linked List? Explain different Types of linked list in data structures.
  5. What is Linked list? Write about all possible operations on single linked list.[ANU-19,18,17]
  6. Write advantages and disadvantages of single linked list / Linked list.
  7. What is double linked list? Write its advantages over single linked list.
  8. What is circular linked list? Write a program to explain the concept of circular linked list.
  9. Write about different applications of linked lists.[ANU-19]
  10. Define ADT. Explain the advantages of ADT.[ANU-18]
UNIT-II (Stack and Queue)

  1. What is stack? Write its ADT ?  Explain various representations of stack.
  2. Define stack. Explain various operations are performed on the stack.[ANU-19,18]
  3. What is stack? Write a algorithm to perform the stack operations using arrays.[ANU-17]
  4. What is stack? Write a program to implement stack using arrays.
  5. What is stack? Write a program to implement stack using inked List.
  6. Write an algorithm and explain how to convert an infix expression into post fix expression using stack.
  7. With an example explain how to evaluate an arithmetic expression using stack.
  8. Write different applications of stack with examples.
  1. What is Queue? Write its ADT ? Explain various representations of Queue.
  2. What is Queue? Explain different types of Queues available in data structures.
  3. Define Queue. Write various operations on queue with help of algorithm.[ANU-17]
  4. What is Circular Queue? Write a program to explain its operations.[ANU-18]
  5. Define Queue and Circular Queue. Explain the advantages of Queue.[ANU-18]
  6. What is Deque? What are the different techniques used to represent Deque? Explain.
  7. What is Deque Data structure? State the algorithm for insertion and delete an element from queue.[ANU-19]
  8. What are priority queues? When they are useful? Write about in detail.
  9. What is Queue? Write a program to implement Queue using arrays.
  10. What is Queue? Write a program to implement Queue using inked List.
  11. What are different applications of Queue? Explain with examples.
 UNIT-III (Trees)
  1. What is Binary Tee? Write properties and terminology of Binary Tree.
  2. Explain various representations of binary tree.[ANU-18]
  3. Write about different tree traveling techniques.[ANU-19]
  4. Write the procedure and explain with an example how to construct Binary Tee from its Travels.
  5. Explain about implementation of Binary Tree.[ANU-17]
  6. What is BST? How to its differs from Binary Tree? Write about two possible representations of BST.
  7. With an example explain insertion and deletion of elements from BST. Also Write algorithms for same.
  8. How to find minimum and maximum elements from a Tree? Write algorithms for same.
  9. What is Threaded Binary Tree? Explain.
  10. What are Heap Tree? Explain Heap sort with example.
  11. Explain different types of Binary Trees with example 
  12. Write different applications of Binary tee, Binary search, Thread Tree, Heap Trees.
UNIT-IV ( Graphs)
  1. What is Graph? Explain various representations of Graphics.
  2. Write about various Graph Traveling Techniques.
  3. How to find a Node in a Graph? Write about basic searching techniques with programs.[ANU-17]
  4. What are the various ways to find Minimal Spanning Tree? Explain.[ANU-19,18,17]
  5. Explain Topological sort with example.
UNIT-V ( Searching and Sorting)
  1. What is Searching? Explain Linear search algorithm with example.[ANU-18]
  2. What is Searching? Explain Binary Search Algorithm with example.[ANU-19,18]
  3. Distinguish between binary search and linear search.[NAU-17]
  4. What is Sorting? Explain different sorting Techniques.
  5. Explain Quick sorting Technique with example.[ANU-18]
  6. Explain selection sorting Technique with example.
  7. Explain bubble sorting Technique with example.[ANU-19,17]

Model Question Papers:

ANU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Model Question Paper

ANRU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Model Question Paper

KRU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Model Question Paper

KRU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures March 2017 Question Paper

YUV B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Model Question Paper

VSU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Model Question Paper

RU B.Sc 4th Semester Data Structures Model Question Paper

Friday 20 March 2020

ANU UG 4th Sem Data Structures Imp Questions with Videos Explanation

ANU UG 4th Sem Data Structures Imp Questions with Videos for your external exams. By preparing these questions you can get maximum marks in your external exams. Here we are providing various videos of most important questions.

After watching these videos, If u feel these are useful please  share with your friends. Because these are most useful for everyone.

UNIT-4 (Graphs)

1. Graph representation in Data Structure

2.Breadth first search:

3.Depth first search:

4.MST and Prims and Kruskals Algorithms

6.Topological Sorting (with Examples)

UNIT-5 (Searching and sorting) 

7.Selection sort algorithm

8.Bubble sort algorithm

9.Insertion sort algorithm

10.Merge sort algorithm

11.Merge sort algorithm

12.Quick sort algorithm

13.Linear and Binary search

UNIT-III (Tress)

14.Introduction to Trees

15.Binary Tree and properties

16.Find min and max element in a binary search tree

17.Find height of a binary tree

18.Binary tree traversal: Preorder, Inorder, Postorder

level order

19.Inorder Successor in a binary search tree

20.Delete a node from Binary Search Tree

21. Heap tress and heap sort

UNIT-II (Stack and Queues)

22.Stack Operations Introduction

Stack Operations - PUSH , POP

23.Stack Application Evaluation Of Post Fix Expression

24.Stack Application Evaluation Of Post Fix Expression

25.Queue Operations Introduction

Queue Operations Insert

Queue Operations Delete

26.Priority Queue 


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