Monday 7 March 2022

ANU UG/Degree B.Com(Computers) 3rd Sem Programming in C & C++ Important Questions


 ANU UG/Degree B.Com(Computers) 3rd Sem Programming in C and C++ Important Questions are now available, by reading these questions you can get more marks in your external exams. Here you can get all Acharya Nagarjuna University Updates like syllabus, results, timetables, model papers, previous year question papers ext.

UNIT-I ( Introduction to C)


  1. Structure of C Program
  2. Write about constants in C.
  3. Write about C character set.
  4. What is identifier? Write rules of C identifier.
  5. Explain switch statement.
  6. Write a C program to find biggest of two numbers using if statement.
  7. Write a C program to find roots of quadratic equation.


  1. What is data type? Explain different types of data types in C.
  2. Write about conditional beaching in C.
  3. What is operator? Explain different types of operators in C.
  4. Explain input / output statements in C.

UNIT-II(Loops and Arrays)


  1. Explain break and continue statements in C
  2. Write difference between while and do-while.
  3. Write a C program to find both smallest and biggest number in an array.
  4. Write a C program to sort list of array elements.
  5. Write a C program to find an element in an array.
  6. Write a C program to find sum of two matrices.
  7. Write a C program to find subtraction of two matrices.
  8. Write a C program to find product of two matrices.
  9. Write a C program to check if the given number is prime or not.
  10. Write a C program to reverse a given number.


  1. Explain different types of repetitive / looping / iterative statements in C.
  2. Define array. Explain 1D array deceleration,storing values, and accessing elements.
  3. Define array. Explain 2D array deceleration,storing values, and accessing elements.

UNIT-III(Strings and functions)

  1. Define string? How to declare and initialize it?
  2. Explain string and charter I/O functions.
  3. Define function? Explain different types of functions in C.
  4. Difference between actual and formal parameters.
  5. Difference between call by value and call by reference.
  6. Write about function call in C.


  1. Explain different string handling functions in C.
  2. Explain parameter passing techniues in C.
  3. Write a C program to check if the given string is palindrome or not.

UNIT-IV(Class and Object)

  1. What is OOP? Write the difference between OOP and modular programming.
  2. Explain the basics concepts of oops.
  3. Write the basics features of OOPs.
  4. Explain the structure of C++ program.
  5. Difference between class and object in C++.
  6. Difference between constructor and detectors


  1. With an examples, explain about class and objects in C++.
  2. What is Friend function? Why and when it is needed?Explain with example.
  3. What are static function in C++? Write their importance.
  4. What is constructor? Explain different types of constructors in C++.
  5. What is operator? Explain operator overloading in C++.


  1. Explain different types of access protections in C++.
  2. What is inheritance?Explain advantages of inheritance.
  3. Explain different types of inheritance in C++


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