Thursday 18 November 2021

ANU UG / Degree B.Sc 2nd Sem Data Structures using C Units wise important Questions


Acharya Nagarjuna university B.Sc 2nd Sem Computer subject important questions. ANU B.Sc 2nd sem Data Structures important Questions. download anu 2nd sem important questions 2021. Here you can get all ANU FAST UPDATES regarding your exam.

UNIT-I ( Introduction to data structures)

Long answer questions

  1. What is data structure? Explain different types of data structures.
  2. Write about different representations of data.
  3. Explain refinement stages.

Short answer questions

  1. What is ADT? What are the advantages of ADT.
  2. Difference between data types and data structure.
  3. Difference between ADT, data type, and data structure.
  4. Difference between data type and atomic type.

UNIT-II ( Linked list)

Long answer questions

  1. Explain all possible operations on single linked list with program.
  2. Explain insertion and deletion operation on double linked list.

 Short answer questions

  1. Difference between arrays and linked list.
  2. What is linked list? Explain different types of linked list.
  3. What are the applications of linked list.

UNIT-III ( Stack and Queue) 

Long answer questions

  1. What is stack? Explain different representations of stack.
  2. What is stack? Explain different implementations of  stack.
  3. What is Queue ? Explain different representations of Queue.
  4. What is Queue? Explain different implementations of  Queue.
  5. What is circular queue? Write algorithms for insertion and deletion operations.

 Short answer questions

  1. With an example and algorithm explain how to convert infix expression to postfix.  
  2. With an example and algorithm explain how to evaluate postfix expression.
  3. What are the applications of stack.
  4. Explain how stack is helpful in recursive function calls.
  5. Write about stack ADT and Queue ADT.
  6. Write about different types of queues.
  7. Write about different applications of queue.

UNIT-IV ( Binary Trees)

Long answer questions

  1. What is Tree? Explain different types of trees.
  2. Explain representation of binary tree in computer memory.
  3. Explain different tree traveling techniues.
  4. What is BST? Explain different operation BST.
  5. Compare and contract linear and non-linear data structures with examples.

Short answer questions.

  1. Write ADT of binary tree.
  2. Write different properties of binary tree.
  3. How to count number of binary trees?
  4. Write different applications of binary tree.
  5. How to find minimum and maximum element in BST.
  6. Write about heap trees
  7. Write about thread binary trees.

UNIT- V ( Graphs, Searching and sorting)

Long answer questions

  1. What is searching? Explain different types of searching techniues with examples.
  2. What is sorting? Explain bubble sorting technique with algorithm.  
  3. What is sorting? Explain merge sorting technique with algorithm.  
  4. What is sorting? Explain insertion sorting technique with algorithm.   
  5. What is graph? Explain different representation of graph in computer memory.
  6. Explain different graph traversal algorithms with example.
  7. What MST? Explain different algorithms to find MST.

Short answer questions.

  1. Differences between linear search and binary search.
  2. Explain index sequential search .
  3. Explain shortest path problem.
  4. Write different applications of graph.
  5. Explain topological sort with example.


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