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ANU UG B.Sc 2nd Sem C Programming Important Questions

ANU UG B.Sc 2nd Sem C Programming Important Questions For external exams are now available, Here you can get all anu updates like results, timetables, notifications, previous question papers, important questions, and Materials. By reading these questions your can get maximum marks. Share this with your friend!

ANU UG B.Sc 2nd Sem C Programming Important Questions

 The question paper consists of 8 questions from 9 chapters and you need to answer any five. 
the question paper comes in two sections. Section-A consists of 8 questions, you need to answer any five. each one carries 5 marks and Section-B consist of Two question from each Unit, you need to answer any one. each one carries of 10 marks.
Chapter-I ( Introduction to algorithms and programming languages)
  1. Explain various programming languages (OR) Explain about Generation of programming languages in detail.[ANU-17]
  2. Write algorithm and flowchart for finding a perfect Number.
  3. Define Algorithm. Explain the key features of algorithm.[ANU-18,17]
  4. Explain about structured programming.[ANU-18]
  5. Write algorithm and flowchart to find the roots of Quadratic equation.[ANU-16]
  6. What is flowchart? What are the symbols used to draw flowchart? Explain. [ANU-19]
  7. Write the steps involved in algorithm development and raw a flowchart for sum and average of two numbers.
  8. Write algorithm and flowchart to find biggest number among given number.
  9. Write about Pseudo code.[ANU-16]
Chapter-II ( Introduction to C)
  1. Explain the structure of C program with an example.[ANU-17]
  2. Explain the Data types in C with example.[ANU-17]
  3. Define an operator. Explain various operators in C.[ANU-19,18]
  4. Write about Input and Output Statements in C.[ANU-16]
  5. Write about various Tokens in C language.[ANU-16]
  6. Define Conditional operator? Find large number among two using Conditional operator.[ANU-16]
  7. Explain type conversion and type casting with example.
  8. What is an identifier? Explain rules for naming an identifier.
  9. Explain about variable and constants in C.
Chapter-III ( Decision control and Looping statements)
  1. Explain Decision making statements in C. (OR) Branching statements in C.(OR) Conditional statements / Structures.[ANU-18,17]
  2. Explain various looping / Iterative statements in C with example.[ANU-19,16]
  3. Write break and continue.[ANU-17]
  4. Write about nested loops.
Chapter-IV (Functions)
  1. Write about Function Prototype. (OR) Describe three categories of function prototype.[ANU-16]
  2. Define Recursion? Write a c program to print Fibonacci number using recursion up to 50.[ANU-16]
  3. What are the differences between call by value and call by reference? [ANU-18]
  4. Write a program to calculate factorial of a given number using recursion.
  5. Discuss about storage classes in detail.[ANU-17]
  6. Write the use of Functions.[ANU-17]
  7. What is Recursion function? Discuss about Recursion Vs Iterations.[ANU-16]
  8. What is function? What are different types of function.
  9. Distinguish between user define and built in function with examples.
  10. Explain different categories of functions. 
  11. Explain function with no arguments and no return value.[ANU-19]


Chapter-V (Arrays)
  1. Explain different types of Arrays.[ANU-16]
  2. Write a c program to find the Multiplication of two matrices.[ANU-16]
  3. How multidimensional arrays defined? Compare with the manner in which one dimensional array are defined.
  4. Write a program to find the largest and smallest of n numbers using arrays.
  5. Explain two dimensional arrays with examples.
  6. Explain sparse matrices.
  7. Write a program to sorting of given 'n' numbers by using arrays.
  8. Define Array. Write a program to search a given element in an array.[ANU-19]
  9. Define two dimensional array. Write a program to transpose of a given matrix.[ANU-18]
  10. Explain two dimensional arrays for inter function communication.[ANU-17]
Chapter-VI (Strings)
  1. Explain string Manipulation / Handling functions with example.[ANU-18,17]
  2. Write a program to check whether given string is palindrome or not.[ANU-19]
  3. Write a c program to reverse a string.
  4. What is Suppressive Input.[ANU-16]
  5. Explain String Taxonomy.

Chapter-VII (Pointers)
  1. Define pointer. Discuss pointer in functions with an example.
  2. Give a brief account on array pointers.
  3. Explain about pointers with example.
  4. What is pointer? Explain with call by reference example.
  5. Write about Null and Generic pointer.
  6. How will you pass a pointer to a function? Explain with suitable example.[ANU-19]
  7. Discuss about pointer and strings, pointer and 2D arrays.[ANU-17]
  8. Write about Memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation.[ANU-17]
  9. Define pointer? Discuss about array of pointers, array of function pointers.[ANU-16]
  10. Write a c program to find smallest and biggest numbers of the given numbers using pointers.[ANU-16]
  11. What are the various operations performed with pointers, explain with examples.
  12. Explain the drawbacks of pointers.[ANU-16]
Chapter-VIII (Structure, Union and Enumerated Data Types)
  1. What is structure? Explain with example program.
  2. Explain the advantages of structures over the array concept.
  3. Explain about structure and unions with small example.[ANU-19,18]
  4. Differences between structure and Union.[ANU-18]
  5. What is structure? Explain nested structure with syntax and example.
  6. Write a program to calculate the student grade by suing structures.
  7. What is structure? Explain array of structures with examples.
  1. Explain I/O Operations on Files. (OR) Explain File I/O Functions. (OR) Explain Reading data from file and writing data into file.
  2. Explain different modes of opening a file.[ANU-16]
  3. Explain error handling during file operations with suitable example.
  4. Define File. Write a C program to copy the contents of one file to another.[ANU-18]
  5. Discuss about various file handling functions.[ANU-16]
  6. Write a C program to read the data from file. File consists of Fields Reg.No, Name, Marks in 6 subjects.[ANU-17]
  7. Write a C program to create student data file it have roll number, student name and father name, Address etc.[ANU-16]
  8. Write simple program to read the content of any file and then print it on the output screen.[ANU-19]
  9. What are command line arguments.
  10. Explain functions for selecting a record randomly from with an example.
  11. What is File? How to detect end of a file and explain creation of temporary file.
  12. What is File? Explain different types of files.[ANU-17]
  13. Write about file processing facilities available in C. (OR) Explain file management in C.


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